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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

The Coronavirus Pandemic Approaches Its ‘Lord Service’ Moment

The Coronavirus Pandemic Approaches Its ‘Lord Service’ Moment

” The Lego Movie” was a struck with critics and audiences in 2014, however not with Sen. Ron Johnson

The Wisconsin Republican politician called the film “an especially severe slam on company” because its primary bad guy is Lord Service, an authoritarian industrialist who wants to control all the little Lego individuals by gluing them into fixed positions.

At the time, Johnson’s problem appeared odd. Corporations themselves have actually long promoted the idea that business can be overbearing, with the crucial caution that this or that product will liberate consumers. (Think of Apple’s renowned “1984” TELEVISION ad for its Macintosh personal computer.) Johnson was upset that “The Lego Film”– in the course of marketing Legos and other products straight to kids for 100 minutes– had likewise regurgitated decades of banal consumer culture.

And now here we are, with Republicans like Johnson insisting, on Lord Service’ behalf, that individuals must worry less about an infection that’s killing nearly 2,000 Americans each day, and worry more about going to work and purchasing products and services. So what if a lot of individuals die?

” Every premature death is a catastrophe, but death is an inescapable part of life,” Johnson composed in U.S.A. Today in March

The senator most likely hasn’t invested a great deal of time thinking about this, but what’s happening today in the real life is similar to something that occurs in “The Lego Movie.”

Governors in several states, with encouragement from President Donald Trump, are raising stay-at-h

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