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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

U.S. Envoy Threatens To Trigger Return Of U.N. Sanctions On Iran

U.S. Envoy Threatens To Trigger Return Of U.N. Sanctions On Iran

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters)– The United States openly threatened on Wednesday to trigger a return of all United Nations sanctions on Iran if the U.N. Security Council does not extend an arms embargo on Tehran that is due to expire in October under the Iran nuclear deal.

U.S. unique envoy for Iran, Brian Hook, verified the method 2 weeks after a U.S. official, speaking on condition of privacy, stated the United States had actually told Britain, France and Germany of its plan.

Hook wrote in the Wall Street Journal that “one method or another” Washington would ensure the arms embargo stays. He stated the United States has actually prepared a Security Council resolution and “will press ahead with diplomacy and construct support.”

A resolution requires nine yes votes and no

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