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  • Tue. Jul 9th, 2024

4 Minneapolis Cops Officers Fired Over George Floyd Death


May 27, 2020 #death, #Floyd
4 Minneapolis Cops Officers Fired Over George Floyd Death

4 Minneapolis police officers were fired Tuesday following the death of George Floyd, a Black man who passed away on Monday after an officer kneeled on his neck while he was handcuffed on the ground, shouting that he could not breathe.

Police Chief Medaria Arradondo announced their terminations during a press conference. He did not openly recognize the officers.

” It is the right decision for our city,” Mayor Jacob Frey said of the shootings. “We’ve mentioned our values and ultimately we require to live by them.”

Spectator video that distributed on social networks shows an officer who seems white pressing his knee into Floyd’s neck, while Floyd is pinned face-down on the street. Floyd can be heard consistently pleading with the officer to get up.

” I can not breathe.

Within minutes, the video shows Floyd closing his eyes and no longer speaking. The officer appears to keep his knee on Floyd’s neck, even as observers start screaming that he isn’t moving and demand that officers assist him. The video shows a 2nd officer close by, looking in the direction of observers.

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