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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

A Tragic Plane Crash In Pakistan Rattles An Already Worried Country


May 22, 2020 #Already, #Nervous
A Tragic Plane Crash In Pakistan Rattles An Already Worried Country

KARACHI– A plane crash in Pakistan’s biggest city on Friday afternoon darkened the country’s state of mind ahead of an important spiritual vacation and shattered hopes of a respite from the national concentrate on the coronavirus outbreak.

The pilot told air traffic control that the airplane faced “technical troubles” and lost contact with the ground, airline officials told the BBC

Some people living in the property neighborhood were also injured, and some houses caught fire, according to multiple regional tv reports. The overall number of casualties is unknown.

The crash came simply six days after the government allowed domestic flights to resume as it relieved a national lockdown enforced in March to limit the spread of COVID-19 It’s likewise days ahead of the festival of Eid

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