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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

All you require to understand about Vivekananda Memorial Hall where PM Modi is practicing meditation

All you require to understand about Vivekananda Memorial Hall where PM Modi is practicing meditation

After finishing an extensive two-month election project, Prime Minister Narendra Modi started a 45-hour meditation at Vivekananda Rock in Kanyakumari on Thursday. He prepares to practice meditation till June 1 afternoon. This area holds significance as Swami Vivekananda practiced meditation here for 3 days in 1892. Legend has it that Goddess Parvati practiced meditation for Lord Shiva in the unique hall, Sripada Mandapam, situated on the rock. Here’s all that you require to learn about the memorial hall. In the southernmost pointer of India, where the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean assemble, stands a monolith that goes beyond time and area. It’s the Vivekananda Memorial Hall, nestled in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, which is not simply a structure of concrete and stone, however a living example of the withstanding tradition of Swami Vivekananda, among the nation’s most revered spiritual leaders. A homage to Swami Vivekananda: Built in the honour of Swami Vivekananda, the memorial hall honors his historical see to Kanyakumari in 1892. It was at this spiritual website that Vivekananda, deeply moved by the appeal and spiritual significance of the place, contemplated the rock, which is now called Vivekananda Rock Memorial. His extensive spiritual experience and vision for India’s future resonated deeply with individuals of Kanyakumari and the country at big. Finest locations in India for ensured tiger identifying Facebook Twitter Pintrest Architectural marvel: Construction of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial started in 1964, mixing numerous Indian architectural designs and finishing in 1970. Consisting of 2 primary areas, the Shripada Mandapam i
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