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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Anti-Mask Floridians Hurl Conspiracy Theories At Officials In Wild Public Satisfying


Jun 25, 2020 #'public, #meeting
Anti-Mask Floridians Hurl Conspiracy Theories At Officials In Wild Public Satisfying

As Palm Beach County, Florida, battles an alarming spike in coronavirus cases, some speakers at a heated public hearing attacked county commissioners as “communist totalitarians” who follow “the devil’s laws” as they prepared to vote on a mandate for wearing face masks in public.

Throughout public comments before the consentaneous vote in favor of the mask requirement on Tuesday, a majority of speakers opposed the relocation, according to regional news station WPTV. A few of these speakers, as The Daily Beast reports, rejected that masks were effective versus spreading out COVID-19 and implicated officials of playing God, violating the Constitution and threatening freedom and lives by enforcing the procedure.

One speaker threatened to carry out a person’s arrests on the officials for going “against the freedom of option.”

” Every among you that’s obeying the devil’s laws are going to be arrested. And you are going to be apprehended for criminal activities against humanity,” the woman stated.

” Every among you has a smirk behind that little mask, but every single one of you are going to get punished by God. You can not leave God … not even with the mask or 6 feet.”

The woman discussed a number of other theories, consisting of a recommendation that the general public authorities might be part of a “deep state” of rogue officials.

This mad Florida female argued today versus the mask required, while bringing up the devil, 5G, Costs Gates, Hillary Clinton, “the pedophiles” and the deep

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