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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

California Issues New, Stricter Statewide Mask Requirement

California Issues New, Stricter Statewide Mask Requirement

California Gov. Gavin Newsom(D) provided an order Thursday requiring individuals to use masks in almost all public settings, altering previous guidance that left mask rules up to private counties.

Golden State residents now should wear masks in almost every indoor and outside setting, with some exceptions carved out for people who are working out or dining and individuals with a medical factor they can’t use a covering.

The new policy enters into effect as the state, which has actually followed a slower reopening strategy than numerous others, sees an uptick in coronavirus cases. While state officials state that’s mainly due to increased screening and that COVID-19 hospitalizations remain mainly constant, some counties are trending in the incorrect direction

” Put simply, we are seeing a lot of people with faces revealed– putting at risk the real progress we have made in battling the illness,” Newsom stated in a declaration. “California’s method to reboot the economy and get individuals back to work will just succeed if people act safely and follow health suggestions. That means wearing a face covering, washing your hands and practicing physical distancing.”

The brand-new requirement will force some counties to backtrack. On Monday, Orange County raised eyebrows when it dropped a requirement that individuals wear masks in public places where they can’t keep a range from other

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