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  • Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

China fumes as United States leaders satisfy Dalai Lama


Jun 20, 2024 #China, #fumes

A group of 7 United States legislators went to Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, to fulfill the banished Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, on Wednesday. This see has actually drawn sharp criticism from China, which sees the Dalai Lama as a separatist. China’s Reaction to the Visit China reacted to the conference by advising the United States to acknowledge the Dalai Lama’s “anti-China and separatist nature” and prevent any kind of contact with him. Beijing’s response highlights the delicate nature of the Tibet problem in China-US relations. Function of the United States Delegation’s Visit The American legislators’ check out to India belonged to a wider effort to support Tibetan rights. They fulfilled the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, in Dharamshala. The go to lines up with Washington’s enduring assistance for Tibetans and their cultural and spiritual practices, which have actually dealt with repression in China. The Resolve Tibet Act The United States House of Representatives just recently passed the Resolve Tibet Act, which intends to press China into resuming discussion with Tibetan leaders. This discussion has actually been stalled given that 2010. The expense looks for a worked out contract on Tibet’s future, resolving goals associated with its historic, cultural, spiritual, and linguistic identity. Conferences with Tibetan Exile Government The delegation likewise fulfilled authorities of Tibet’s federal government in exile, which runs from India. Amongst the delegates were Nancy Pelosi, previous United States House Speaker, and the authors of the Resolve Tibet Act
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