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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Coronavirus Live Updates: Florida, Arizona, Texas Opened ‘Too Aggressively,’ Public Health Specialist States

Coronavirus Live Updates: Florida, Arizona, Texas Opened ‘Too Aggressively,’ Public Health Specialist States

Watch @savannahguthrie‘s full interview with @ashishkjha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, who states Florida and other states “opened up too early and too aggressively.” pic.twitter.com/M9O0hlR7dS

— TODAY (@TODAYshow) July 13, 2020

Sydney Bar Cluster Adds To Second Wave Worries In Australia– 7/13/20, 7: 55 a.m.

Australia’s most populated state reported 14 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday, with a growing cluster at a pub used by freight drivers taking a trip the nation contributing to fears of a second wave of the infection.

The brand-new cases in New South Wales follow surrounding Victoria last week required about 5 million people back into lockdown after a surge of brand-new coronavirus cases.

Australia has actually avoided the high COVID-19 casualty numbers of other countries with swift and stringent steps, taping less than 10,000 coronavirus cases in total, or about a sixth of the daily cases seen in the U.S. in current days.

Nevertheless, authorities are fretted about increasing cases of neighborhood transmission. This represented eight of the 14 new cases in New South Wales in the last 24 hours, while the rest were individuals who have returned from abroad and are already in hotel quarantine or have returned from Victoria.

The bulk of these neighborhood transmission cases were individuals who just recently checked out a bar in southwest Sydney, the Crossroads Hotel, with authorities confirming Monday afternoon that there are 21 cases connected to that cluster. In a quote to cut the spread, authorities advised anyone who went to the pub to isolate for 2 weeks and get checked. On Monday, long lines of cars and trucks were waiting more than 3 hours to attend a drive-through test clinic at the venue.

In Victoria, authorities on Monday reported 177 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours, the eighth successive day of triple-digit rises in COVID-19 cases, but below 273 cases the previous day.

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— Reuters

200 Workers Quarantined On UK Farm In The Middle Of Coronavirus Break Out — 7/13/20, 7: 45 a.m.

Herefordshire Council is setting up food and important products for residents on the site– who live in mobile homes based on the farm throughout the gathering season– while they self-isolate.

In a declaration farm owners AS Green and Co said: “Our labor force and regional community are our top priority at this challenging time and we continue to follow the guidance of the relevant bodies to guarantee that the spread of the infection is managed and our labor force is supported.

” Public Health England recommends that it is really unlikely COVID-19 can be sent through food or food packaging, so buyers can remain positive buying British fruit and veg.”

The U.K. has actually taped 44,819 deaths and 321,057 cases. Learn More

— Sarah Turnnidge

Florida Sets U.S. Record For New Daily Coronavirus Cases– 7/12/20, 1: 10 p.m. ET

Florida on Sunday reported more than 15,000 new cases of the coronavirus, setting a brand-new nationwide record for single-day tallies.

The overall of 15,299 brand-new cases, reported by Florida’s health

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