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  • Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

Court Rulings Force In-Person Elections In Wisconsin In Spite Of Cautions

Court Rulings Force In-Person Elections In Wisconsin In Spite Of Cautions

There were reports of long citizen lines and big events of people in Wisconsin Tuesday after Republicans making up bulks in the state and U.S. Supreme Courts overthrew efforts to delay or change the state’s election amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Republicans in Wisconsin successfully appealed to conservative majorities on both courts, reducing efforts by civil rights groups and some Democrats in the state to mail each voter a tally or delay the vote to a later date. Wisconsin is holding its state Supreme Court election on Tuesday, and Republicans are wishing to keep Justice Dan Kelly, a conservative backed by President Donald Trump, in his seat.

On Friday, the Milwaukee Election Commission, which supervises elections for the biggest county in the state, revealed Milwaukee was consolidating its polling stations from the normal 180 polling stations to merely five that were open on Tuesday, effectively ensuring long lines and huge groups of people.

Polls open in minutes. Here’s a look at the line in Waukesha, the city’s only polling area pic.twitter.com/Uqg08 gannt

— Matt Smith (@mattsmith_news) April 7, 2020

The wait to vote

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