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Criticized For His Coronavirus Response, Trump Returns To The ‘Blame Obama’ Standby


Mar 24, 2020 #blame, #Obama'
Criticized For His Coronavirus Response, Trump Returns To The ‘Blame Obama’ Standby

WASHINGTON– After seven weeks of downplaying the danger of a looming pandemic, President Donald Trump has actually returned to a favorite well: blaming his predecessor, Barack Obama

” We inherited a damaged, outdated system,” Trump stated Sunday, the 3rd straight White Home rundown in which he has actually blamed his administration’s slow reaction to the coronavirus pandemic on Obama, although Trump has actually been in office now a complete 3 years and two months.

” We took over an obsolete, damaged screening system that wouldn’t have actually worked for even a small problem, let alone one of the biggest pandemics in history,” Trump said Saturday, a day after declaring: “We acquired a damaged, old– honestly, a horrible system.”

It is uncertain what “system” Trump was referring to. His administration’s failure to strongly ramp up coronavirus testing in early February and prepare hospitals for a rise of critical respiratory cases, specialists said, was largely due to his own attempts to downplay the virus to avoid harming the stock exchange and, in turn, his own reelection.

” His entire project this year will be to blame somebody for what’s happening,” said Joe Walsh, a previous Illinois congressman who unsuccessfully ran versus Trump for the 2020 election. “The Chinese, Obama, the scientists and professionals.”

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham did not respond to a HuffPost request for remark.

Trump’s blame of Obama comes even as Trump overlooked warnings from his own Department of Health and Human Providers last October that a pandemic would overwhelm the country’s ability to deal with it, in addition to a comparable instruction prepared by the outbound Obama administration in January2017 More recently, Trump neglected intelligence neighborhood reports this January and February that the virus was spreading even more rapidly in China than

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