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Cuomo Threatens ‘Constitutional Obstacle’ If Trump Orders States To Resume Too Early


Apr 15, 2020 #Reopen, #states
Cuomo Threatens ‘Constitutional Obstacle’ If Trump Orders States To Resume Too Early

New York City Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) on Tuesday threatened to take legal action against Donald Trump if the president orders states to raise their stay-at-home orders too early and hurries to resume the economy prior to the COVID-19 pandemic safely subsides.

The caution intensified the back-and-forth between state guvs and Trump, who incorrectly declared his “authority is total” in a propagandistic press rundown Monday

” If he purchased me to resume in a manner that would threaten the general public health of individuals of my state, I would not do it,” Cuomo stated on CNN “And we would have a constitutional obstacle between the state and the federal government, and that would enter into the courts. Which would be the worst possible thing he could do at this moment, would be to act dictatorial and to act in a partisan, divisive method.”

@NYGovCuomo: “If [Trump] purchased me to reopen in such a way that would endanger the general public health of individuals of my state, I would not do it.” https://t.co/dzwqZDXW2Y pic.twitter.com/0oSYdlops0

— New Day (@NewDay) April 14, 2020

At his day-to-day press rundown Monday, Cuomo– who leads the state that has actually long been the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S.– stated he was cautiously optimistic “the worst is over,” but alerted that lifting constraints too early might set back any progress already made. And on Monday, the state officially crossed 10,000 deaths– not consisting of lots of deaths that have gone uncounted

” I have 10,000 deaths in my state,” Cuomo stated Tuesday. “This infection didn’t kill Democrats or Republicans– it eliminated Americans, and it eliminated New Yorkers, and I’m not going to decrease a political road.”

Trump responded in a tweet Tuesday, accusing Cuomo of “pleading for whatever,” and falsely claiming “I got it all done for him, and everybody else.”

” Now he appears to want Ind

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