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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

D.C. Corrections Officers Assistance Inmates’ Coronavirus Suit Versus the DOC

D.C. Corrections Officers Assistance Inmates’ Coronavirus Suit Versus the DOC

District of Columbia correctional employees are supporting a claim against the Washington, D.C., Department of Corrections over what they state is a failure to safeguard incarcerated people throughout the coronavirus break out.

The suit, submitted March 30 by the Public Protector Service and the American Civil Liberties Union, slammed the Department of Corrections’ treatment of incarcerated people who might die or be seriously hurt if contaminated with COVID-19, the illness triggered by the coronavirus, and argued for more screening, much better safety measures and the release of some susceptible incarcerated people.

But correctional officers are being jeopardized, too. So the DOC’s labor union took the uncommon step of announcing its assistance for the suit.

” I can say that without exception, these are the absolute worst conditions I have ever experienced,” said Jannease Johnson, who has actually worked at the DOC for 29 years, at a press conference outside the Washington, D.C., prison on Wednesday. “Management has left the personnel and prisoners to end up being infected, sick and/or pass away.”

At least 4 individuals apprehended in the center have actually evaluated positive for COVID-19, and Johnson said that by next week, “half of our officers will be house on quarantine.”

I can say that without exception, these are the absolute worst conditions I have actually ever experienced.
Jannease Johnson, D.C. DOC employee

The DOC has actually not been following Centers for Illness Control and Avoidance guidelines for the coronavirus pandemic “at all,

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