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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Demonstrations Continue Across The Country Over George Floyd Killing In Minneapolis

Demonstrations Continue Across The Country Over George Floyd Killing In Minneapolis

Nationwide demonstrations over the killing of George Floyd– the Black male who passed away Monday after a white Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck– continued Friday night as Americans required that those involved face justice.

On Friday, protesters required to the streets in Minneapolis; Washington; Louisville, Kentucky; New York City City; Atlanta; Denver; Houston; Portland; Phoenix; San Jose and Bakersfield, California; Chicago; Detroit; and other cities.

After 3 nights of protests, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey revealed a mandatory curfew going into impact at 8 p.m.

Major Gen. Jon Jensen revealed that the state’s National Guard was preparing to release 1,700 soldiers The action would be the largest implementation within Minnesota in the state’s history.

At the demonstration in New york city, authorities were filmed hitting demonstrators with batons and spraying what seemed pepper spray, according to reporters on the scene. A dozen NYPD officers were hurt and a minimum of 200 protesters were detained, WABC-7 reported.

Authorities in several cities, consisting of Boston and Fort Wayne, Indiana, supposedly fired tear gas to disperse protesters.

In Atlanta, cops likewise reportedly utilized tear gas on protesters outside CNN head office, where authorities were barricaded in the entry after some demonstrators shattered glass walls. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp provided a state of emergency around midnight.

The White House went on lockdown as protesters neared Pennsylvania Opportunity and kicked down barriers safeguarded by the Trick Service, CNN reported. Nobody was allowed to leave the grounds, consisting of members of the press, as demonstrators clashed with police

The targets rapidly got away on foot and were brought to a hospital, where one was noticable dead, according to The Detroit News

In California, a black Toyota recorded on video appeared to intentionally drive into protesters in Bakersfield. It was spotted later speeding down a roadway where demonstrators were gathered.

Protesters in Los Angeles shut down the 110 Highway as they shouted, “I can’t breathe” and “No justice, no peace.” Some encountered police after a team cars and truck was attacked.

In Houston, nearly 200 individuals were detained for taking part “in illegal assemblies throughout the day & night,” police tweeted. In Portland, police declared “a riot” and a Chase Bank structure was set on fire.

In Louisville, Kentucky, police shot pepper pellets at a regional news team filming the demonstration, according to a regional newscaster who was struck while reporting live. Cops later asked forgiveness and stated they would examine the event.

BREAKING: Cops in Louisville fire rubber bullets at news teams reside on tv, as protests continue. pic.twitter.com/KYBrvsfXOE

— Adam Snider (@AdamSniderNews) May 30, 2020

Demonstrators are on the move, chanting George Floyd’s name and “No Justice, No Peace.” Simply passed over the Hennepin Avenue bridge. @kare11 pic.twitter.com/j4

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