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Don’t Let Coronavirus Distract From Fighting Climate Modification, UN Chief Alerts


Mar 11, 2020 #change, #Chief
Don’t Let Coronavirus Distract From Fighting Climate Modification, UN Chief Alerts

Following the publication this week of a grim report about the ever-worsening climate modification crisis, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres released a stark caution: The world should act now and with urgency– or it will soon be far too late to prevent the worst effects of worldwide warming.

” Environment change is the specifying obstacle of our time,” Guterres wrote in the foreword of the U.N. World Meteorological Company’s 2019 global climate assessment published Tuesday. “We are presently way off track to conference either the 1.5 C or 2C targets that the Paris contract requires.”

Guterres also stated this week that while it’s crucial for governments to take immediate action to defeat the novel coronavirus spreading around the globe, he worried that world leaders should not be distracted from the need to fight environment change also.

While the coronavirus, called COVID-19, is anticipated to be a short-lived scourge, Guterres stated in a statement that environment change will “stay with us for years and need consistent action.”

Researchers have actually echoed this caution.

The WMO’s new environment report “indicate a threat that is greater to our species than any known infection,” Brian Hoskins, a climatologist at Imperial College London and founding director of the Grantham Institute on Climate Modification, told The Guardian.

” We need to not

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