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Ex-Trump Assistant Sebastian Gorka May Get Function Atop Voice Of America: Report


Jun 16, 2020 #America, #report
Ex-Trump Assistant Sebastian Gorka May Get Function Atop Voice Of America: Report

Controversial conservative radio host and former Donald Trump aide Sebastian Gorka may take a leadership role in the taxpayer-funded company that supervises the Voice of America, CNN reported, citing a “well-placed” source

Gorka, a divisive figure who left the Trump White House in 2017, has become a prospect for a function atop the U.S. Firm for Global Media, according to the cable channel.

The installation of a stridently pro-Trump mouthpiece would even more shake the management ranks of Voice of America, the U.S.-funded international news company with a record of independent reporting, and inflame fears that the White Home aims to mold it into a propaganda empire. HuffPost couldn’t reach Gorka for remark.

Michael Load, a conservative filmmaker and buddy of former White Home chief strategist Steve Bannon, is taking over as head of the Agency for Global Media after the Senate lastly caught White Home pressure to validate him.

The Voice of America’s leading 2 editors– both experienced reporters selected throughout the Obama administration– resigned on Monday, mentioning Load’s arrival.

” As the Senate-confirmed CEO, he deserves to replace us with his own VOA management,” VOA director Amanda Bennett and deputy Sandy Sugawara wrote to personnel on Monday.

The chaos follows a significant fight involving the blacklisting of the VOA by a public relations manager at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under pressure from the White House. The Trump administration accused the VOA of pressing Chinese “propaganda” about

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