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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Firing Of U.S. Lawyer Highlights William Barr’s Pattern Of Misleading Statements

Firing Of U.S. Lawyer Highlights William Barr’s Pattern Of Misleading Statements

WASHINGTON– President Donald Trump‘s firing on Saturday of a leading federal prosecutor is as soon as again drawing focus to the function that Chief law officer William Barr has actually played as an enforcer of the president’s personal and political top priorities.

After a tense 24- hour standoff that began Friday night, Barr’s varied and contradictory explanations for the departure of U.S. Lawyer Geoffrey Berman extended a pattern of deceptive statements he’s made during his time atop the Justice Department at a time when the nation’s policing and legal systems are currently dealing with prevalent fury and demonstration.

Barr, who took over as attorney general of the United States a few months after Trump fired Jeff Sessions, hasn’t revealed much self-reliance from Trump considering that his confirmation in February2019 He intervened in the prosecution of Trump associate Roger Stone to advocate for a more lax sentence, he attempted to dismiss charges against previous Trump national security consultant Michael Flynn and he’s backed Trump’s whims at almost every turn.

The highest-profile circumstances of Barr’s misleading of the public to benefit Trump came when he provided a summary of the unique counsel report on Russian disturbance in the 2016 presidential campaign prior to Robert Mueller’s report was launched in 2015. Barr’s summary, which Mueller privately grumbled ” did not totally capture the context, nature, and compound” of the report and created “public confusion about crucial aspects of the outcomes of our investigation,” steered media coverage of the report for weeks prior to a fuller, yet still redacted, version was launched.

Just before the COVID-19 pandemic knocked the United States, a federal judge appointed by former President George W. Bush released an exceptional opinion saying that Barr “distorted” the Mueller report. The judge questioned whether Barr meant to produce a “one-sided narrative about the Mueller Report– a narrative that is clearly in some respects substantively at chances with the redacted version of the Mueller Report.”

The most recent saga unfolded late Friday night, when Berman, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New york city, discovered in a news release from the Justice Department that he was “stepping down.” Berman, who was selected by judges in his district, not Trump– quickly clarified in his own statement that he was not “stepping down” and planned to stay till “a presidentially designated nominee is verified by the Senate.”

Had Berman stepped aside, the Trump administration might have hand-picked a replacement. Barr at first announced that U.S. Lawyer for the District of New Jersey Craig Carpe

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