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From Shops To Dining Out, New York City Gears Up For Next Resuming Stage


Jun 22, 2020 #phase, #reopening
From Shops To Dining Out, New York City Gears Up For Next Resuming Stage

NEW YORK (AP)– From Macy’s “Wonder on 34 th Street” shop to the World Trade Center’s workplace towers, New york city City hits a key point Monday in attempting to rebound from the country’s deadliest coronavirus break out.

For the first time in 3 months, New Yorkers will be able to eat in restaurants, though just at outside tables. Consumers can when again browse in the city’s location shops. Shaggy heads can get haircuts. Cooped-up kids can lastly climb playground monkey bars instead of home walls. Office workers can return to their desks, though many won’t.

Larry Silverstein, for one, can’t wait.

The 89- year-old World Trade Center designer is going to work at his office there Monday, together with approximately a third of Silverstein Residence’ personnel. The firm is staggering schedules so workers can keep their range and they’ll have to use masks in the 7 World Trade Center lobby. Footprints mark where to stand in elevators now restricted to about a quarter their typical capability.

To Silverstein, returning to workplace life and in-person teamwork brings “a happiness, a satisfaction, such a sense of having the ability to function.” He doesn’t purchase into arguments that the pandemic does not bode well for office work or New york city City.

” I went through 9/11 I remember individuals informing me we were never ever going to be able to get people to come back to lower Manhattan,” stated Silverstein, who leased the twin towers six weeks before the 2001 terror attacks ruined them. “Never bet versus New york city, since New York alwa

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