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GOP Governors’ Lag In Social Distancing Policies Threatens Public Health: Study


Apr 1, 2020 #'public, #Health
GOP Governors’ Lag In Social Distancing Policies Threatens Public Health: Study

A new research study has actually discovered that states with GOP guvs or a majority- Republican Politician electorate have lagged behind their Democratic counterparts in setting up social distancing policies in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Those delays are “likely to produce substantial continuous damage to public health,” the scientists cautioned

The research study, “Pandemic Politics: Timing State-Level Social Distancing Reactions to COVID-19”– by government teachers and a health metrics scientist from the University of Washington– discovered that red states or states with Republican guvs instituted social distancing policies an average of nearly three days behind blue states did.

” Our findings are unambiguous: political variables are the strongest predictor of the early adoption of social distancing policies,” the study stated. “All else equal, states with Republican guvs and Republican electorates delayed each social distancing step by an average of 2.

While the space might at first seem small, the distinction could translate into a considerable number of human lives with a

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