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  • Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Historic Market Plunge Amid Global Scramble To Include ‘Invisible Enemy’

Historic Market Plunge Amid Global Scramble To Include ‘Invisible Enemy’

March 16 (Reuters) – Coronavirus fears caused a historical drop in U.S. stocks, shut borders and disrupted life worldwide, as governments took increasingly extreme procedures to attempt to decrease the seriousness of the global break out.

Financial markets had their worst day in 30 years despite emergency situation action by global central banks to try to avoid an economic crisis, with U.S. stock exchange falling 12%to 13%, eliminating trillions of dollars in market price.

Just a month earlier, monetary markets were hitting record highs on the assumption the outbreak would mainly be contained in China and not trigger interruptions beyond what was seen with earlier viral break outs of Ebola, SARS and MERS. There have now been more cases and more death

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