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  • Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

IBM To End Facial Acknowledgment Business And Oppose Usage For Monitoring By Police

IBM To End Facial Acknowledgment Business And Oppose Usage For Monitoring By Police

IBM said Monday it would no longer use facial recognition innovation and oppose any use of such software application by police forces for mass surveillance or racial profiling.

The company’s chief executive, Arvind Krishna, composed a letter to Congress advising the accountable use of technology in the middle of continuous ongoing demonstrations following the death of George Floyd. Demonstrators around the U.S. have issued renewed calls for systemic change and an end to cops cruelty.

Such calls, Krishna wrote, should “encourage and advance usages of technology that bring higher transparency and responsibility to policing.”

” IBM firmly opposes and will not condone uses of any technology, consisting of facial recognition innovation used by other suppliers, for mass security, racial profiling, infractions of basic human rights and liberties, or any purpose which is not constant with our values and Principles of Trust and Openness,” the business stated in a letter to Congress. “Our company believe now is the time to start a nationwide discussion on whether and how facial recognition innovation must be utilized by do

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