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Infection Cases Rise In U.S., India, But Slow In China, Korea


Jun 22, 2020 #China, #Korea
Infection Cases Rise In U.S., India, But Slow In China, Korea

BRAND-NEW DELHI (AP)– The world saw the largest everyday boosts yet in coronavirus cases, with infections soaring in India’s rural towns after migrant workers fled significant cities.

India’s coronavirus caseload climbed up by nearly 15,000 as of Monday to 425,282, with more than 13,000 deaths, the health ministry reported.

After easing the across the country lockdown, the Indian federal government has actually run unique trains to return thousands of migrant workers to their natal towns in recent weeks. Almost 90%of India’s poorest districts have cases, though the break out stays focused in Delhi, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu states, which are house to significant cities.

Infections slowed in China and South Korea, suggesting some development in stemming their most recent outbreaks. Regardless of clear headway in containing the infection in areas that suffered early break outs, worldwide the number of new virus cases has actually soared in current days. In Brazil, Iraq, India and the United States, hospitals are rushing to cope.

Nearly 9 million people have actually been contaminated by the new coronavirus and more than 468,000 people have died, according to figures put together by Johns Hopkins University. Experts say the real numbers are much higher, offered limits to testing and the presumed large share of asymptomatic cases.

A doctor checks the temperature of a man in Mumbai, India, on June 20, 2020. 

In a grim tip of the pandemic’s common reach, Philippine officials said Saudi Arabia’s king had asked that the remains of 282 Filipino employees who perished in current months in the oil-rich kingdom be repatriated within 3 days. They died of diverse causes, but infection restrictions delayed repatriations.

Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III said the Philippine government asked that the due date be extended and that the bodies of about 50 Filipinos who passed away of COVID-19 be buried in Saudi Arabia.

The Philippines has reported more than 30,000 infections and 1,16

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