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  • Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

Inquired About John Lewis’ Legacy, Trump Gripes He Didn’t ‘Pertain To My Inauguration’


Aug 4, 2020 #'Come, #didn't
Inquired About John Lewis’ Legacy, Trump Gripes He Didn’t ‘Pertain To My Inauguration’

After a week of homages and grieving for Rep. John Lewis(D-Ga.), President Donald Trump declined to use any appreciation for the late civil rights icon and instead regreted the reality that he “didn’t pertain to my inauguration.”

In an interview with Axios that aired Monday, Trump was asked how he thinks history will keep in mind Lewis.

“I don’t understand John Lewis. He selected not to come to my inauguration.

The interview was recorded last Tuesday as Lewis’ body lay in state in the U.S. Capitol. Legislators on both sides of the aisle visited the casket to pay their aspects, consisting of Vice President Mike Pence, Home Speaker Nancy Pelosi(D-Calif.) and Senate Bulk Leader Mitch McConnell(R-Ky.).

Trump did not. Nor did he go to Lewis’ Atlanta memorial service Thursday, where previous presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton spoke in honor of the man whose nonviolent activism assisted galvanize support for the passage of the Voting Rights Act in

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