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  • Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

It’s Not Just Blue States. Red States Are Facing Major Budget Shortfalls Due To The Coronavirus.

It’s Not Just Blue States. Red States Are Facing Major Budget Shortfalls Due To The Coronavirus.

Republicans say the government shouldn’t help certain blue states in the middle of the continuous coronavirus pandemic. However the crisis is striking every state’s coffers– even red ones.

In current days, President Donald Trump and other leading Republicans have actually revealed objections to providing federal help to states with high public staff member pension expenses like Illinois, New York and New Jersey. They argue that Congress should not obtain taxpayer dollars to fix issues some states have actually produced for themselves.

” Why should the people and taxpayers of America be bailing out poorly run states (like Illinois, as example) and cities, in all cases Democrat run and managed, when the majority of the other states are not searching for bailout assistance?” Trump tweeted on Monday.

Democrats responded by noting that large, populous states like New York currently fund other states in federal help which they, therefore, should be dealt with the exact same by Congress in any future coronavirus expense.

The coronavirus epidemic has actually pounded profits for almost every state, no matter party association. State officials in Texas say the state is currently in an economic downturn Tourist in seaside states like Florida and South Carolina has dried up, costing their budgets billions in sales taxes. Combined with the nosediving oil prices, oil-producing states like Louisiana, North Dakota and Alaska are dealing with a lot more difficulty raising profits.

The budget plan shortages are anticipated to intensify due to the uncertain timeline of the crisis, putting a

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