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Jared Kushner Ripped For Stating ‘Our Stockpile’ Isn’t Meant For States To Use


Apr 3, 2020 #isn't, #Meant
Jared Kushner Ripped For Stating ‘Our Stockpile’ Isn’t Meant For States To Use

Jared Kushner, White Home consultant and son-in-law to President Donald Trump, stated on Thursday that the stockpiles of much-needed products guvs were asking for to help with the coronavirus pandemic weren’t actually meant for the states.

” The concept of the federal stockpile was it’s expected to be our stockpile,” Kushner stated. “It’s not expected to be states’ stockpiles that they then use.”

JARED KUSHNER: “The idea of the federal stockpile was it’s supposed to be our stockpile. It’s not supposed to be states stockpiles that they then utilize.” pic.twitter.com/9Q7j8QBCMv

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 2, 2020

At another point in the briefing, Kushner patted himself and the administration on the back, claiming, “We have actually done things that the federal government has never ever done previously, quicker than they have actually ever done it previously.”

Kushner likewise insisted that they had actually found products and distributed them “where we prepare for there will be requirements.”

But his explanation about the federal stockpile and its purpose didn’t sit right with many– and was at chances with the statement on the Strategic National Stockpile website:

When state, regional, tribal, and territorial responders request federal assistance to support their reaction efforts, the stockpile ensures that the right medicines and supplies get to those who require them most during an emergency.

The website likewise kept in mind that the stockpile could “resupply state and regional public health firms in a devastating health occasion.”

Twitter users were quick to school Kushner and question who the “our” in his statement described, if not the people of the United States:

Jared Kushner isn’t certified to run a lemonade stand, not to mention tell governors how to handle critical supply chains. He is a continuing danger to our safety and security, a national embarrassment, and needs to, as the young folks say, take all the seats.

— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) April 3, 2020

These ventilators are stocked for the residents of America, not the citizens of the United States.

— Max Kennerly (@MaxKennerly) April 3, 2020

The muthafucka actually said federal stockpiles are for “us” not the states. Who the fuck is “us” Jared? Why didn’t anybody because space ask him that apparent follow up question so we could see

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