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Joe Biden Lands Recommendation Of The Nation’s Biggest Educators Union


Mar 15, 2020 #teachers, #Union
Joe Biden Lands Recommendation Of The Nation’s Biggest Educators Union

The National Education Association tossed its weight behind previous Vice President Joe Biden on Saturday night, handing him another huge recommendation from organized labor.

Lily Eskelsen Garcia, the president of the effective instructors union, called Biden a “tireless advocate for public education” and “the partner that students and educators require now in the White House” in a declaration announcing the union’s assistance.

” With so much at stake in this election, teachers are identified to use their voice to move Joe Biden to the White Home,” Eskelsen Garcia said.

The NEA’s board of directors backed Biden in a Saturday night vote, the union said, selecting him over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Biden’s chief rival for the Democratic nomination.

With more than 3 million members across the country, the NEA is the nation’s largest labor union, and its endorsement comes simply days prior to another vital round of primaries on Tuesday.

The union pointed out Biden’s engagement on education problems, consisting of the “comprehensive strategies” he launched for K-12 and college, as the primary reasons he won its endorsement.

The NEA, which backed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 main, has actually been among the most vocal critics of President Donald Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, whom the union has actually called “the least qual

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