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  • Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

Joe Biden Needs An Economic Platform

Joe Biden Needs An Economic Platform

If Joe Biden rolls on from an unexpected Super Tuesday rise to protect the Democratic nomination, he’ll have Rep. James Clyburn to thank. The popular South Carolina congressman kept a recommendation for Biden till prior to his home state voted on Saturday. Biden, of course, smoothly won there, setting the stage for last night. However Clyburn’s blessing also featured pointed criticism. Biden, he said, was struggling with a lack of emotion. During an appearance on MSNBC Tuesday night, Clyburn argued that Biden had actually dedicated excessive time to “setting out policy.”

” Individuals were not feeling it,” Clyburn said.

The difficulty with Clyburn’s point is that Biden has not, in truth, set out very much policy. On financial policy, in specific, Biden not just does not have the right concepts to handle a conservative populist like President Donald Trump, however he doesn’t appear to have any ideas.

On his project website, Biden argues: “This nation wasn’t developed by Wall Street lenders and CEOs and hedge fund supervisors. It’s a nice belief. Even the brief project of long-lasting bank backer Mike Bloomberg released a paper detailing how he ‘d chosen to get tough on his old good friends.

The same is true for trade policy. Last year, Biden declined to say whether he supports the Trans-Pacific Collaboration– the trade deal he pitched as then-President Barack Obama’s vice president.

Trade policy will be a big deal in2020 It has actually been the main economic focus of Trump’s whole term in workplace, and he will be trumpeting a brand-new bipartisan trade pact with Mexico supported by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi he

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