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  • Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Joe Biden Says Trump Should Simply Stop Talking About Coronavirus, Leave It To The Specialists


Mar 10, 2020 #experts, #leave
Joe Biden Says Trump Should Simply Stop Talking About Coronavirus, Leave It To The Specialists

Former Vice President Joe Biden wishes President Donald Trump would “be quiet” about coronavirus and stop gushing muddled and unreliable misinformation that’s disturbing Americans and adding to the stock market implosion.

” There’s no self-confidence in the president and anything he says or does,” the front-running candidate for the Democratic presidential election said on MSNBC “He turns everything into what he thinks is a political benefit for himself, and he’s really imploding at the same time.”

” But there’s a lot of innocent bystanders that are being severely hurt,” Biden added. “I wish he would just be quiet.

Asked by MSNBC news host Lawrence O’Donnell if the stock market is plunging in part because investors are “understanding the president just does not inform them, or the world, or this country the reality about the circumstance” amidst the spread of the illness, Biden stated he believes “that’s t

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