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Minneapolis Mayor Booed After Saying He Would Not ‘Abolish’ Police Department


Jun 7, 2020 #abolish, #police
Minneapolis Mayor Booed After Saying He Would Not ‘Abolish’ Police Department

Protesters booted Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey from a protest Saturday after he informed demonstrators that he would not commit to de-funding the police department.

During a serene demonstration led by the advocacy group Black Visions, demonstrators marched to Frey’s home, where he came out to meet them, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported

When Frey, 38, informed demonstration organizers that he would not commit to defunding the Minneapolis authorities department in the wake of the fatal arrest of Geroge Floyd, protesters booed him and told him to leave.

The minute was shot and shared widely online.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey showed up today at the demonstrations. He was asked if he would devote to abolishing/defunding the cops. Extraordinary to witness crowd hold him straight accountable. Guy did an actual walk of embarassment. pic.twitter.com/ v645 mfIZHt

— Sana Saeed (@SanaSaeed) June 6, 2020

At first, Frey informed the demonstration organizers that he had been “coming to grips with my own responsibility, my own failure in this” and said there required to be “ingrained, structural reform” within the Minneapolis Authorities Department.

Then, among the protest organizers asked him whether he

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