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  • Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

Pentagon Consultant Resigns, Slams Defense Secretary Mark Esper Over Trump Photo-Op


Jun 3, 2020 #Esper, #Trump
Pentagon Consultant Resigns, Slams Defense Secretary Mark Esper Over Trump Photo-Op

A member of the Pentagon’s science board of advisers resigned Tuesday over Defense Secretary Mark Esper‘s failure to speak up versus the forcible dispersal of protesters near a church where President Donald Trump staged a photo-op a day previously.

James N. Miller, who worked as the under secretary of defense for policy from 2012 to 2014, announced his departure from the Defense Science Board in an intense letter of resignation resolved to Esper and released in The Washington Post

Miller implicated Esper of breaking his oath of office by appearing to support the use of tear gas and rubber bullets to clear a crowd of peaceful anti-racism protesters near the White Home so Trump could position for a photo holding a Bible outside St. John’s Episcopal Church.

” You may not have actually been able to stop President Trump from directing this terrible use of force, however you could have chosen to oppose it,” composed Miller, who joined the science board in2014 “Rather, you visibly supported it.”

” Anyone who takes the oath of workplace must choose where he or she will draw the line: What are the things that they will refuse to do?” he included. “I must now ask: If last night’s blatant viol

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