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  • Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Person Who Suggested Injecting Lysol Is Attempting To Make Opponent’s Gaffes A Big Deal


May 28, 2020 #Gaffes, #opponent
Person Who Suggested Injecting Lysol Is Attempting To Make Opponent’s Gaffes A Big Deal

WASHINGTON– Less than six months from Election Day, the Trump campaign is deeply worried that the president of the United States next year could be suffering from dementia.

No, not the 73- year-old who puzzles his daddy and his grandfather, claims his actions throughout the pandemic have actually conserved ” billions” of Americans and even recommended people ought to inject themselves with disinfectants to cure the coronavirus.

It’s the other guy, 77- year-old assumed Democratic nominee Joe Biden, whose gaffes and verbal miscues are obviously evidence that he is not mentally in shape to occupy the country’s greatest office.

” I don’t think he remembers what he did yesterday,” Trump stated of Biden in a recent interview with Sinclair Broadcasting. “He’s not psychologically sharp enough to be president.”

The method is apparent, said David Axelrod, who led previous President Barack Obama’s 2008 project. “He can’t win a referendum on his own performance and so he has to attempt and disqualify Biden,” he stated.

Biden, for his part, has actually laughed off the tip that he has “lost an action.” In a CNN interview Tuesday, Biden turned the concern back toward Trump: “Speak about a person who’s missing out on a step. He’s missing something.”

Trump project authorities would not react to questions about their efforts to question Biden’s mental fitness, which has been a significant part of their overall attack versus the former vice president since Trump himself recycled the “Drowsy Joe” insult he had originally utilized versus previous Indiana Sen. Joe Donnelly.

He can’t win a referendum on his own performance therefore he needs to try and disqualify Biden.
David Axelrod, leader of Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign

On May 15, Trump project staffer Abigail Marone mocked Biden’s interview on Snapchat in a press release. “He can barely get through an appearance without getting lost or informing individuals not to elect him,” she wrote.

On April 28, the Trump campaign’s quick action director Matt Wolking posted a video clip of Biden’s interview with a Miami television station in which he states: “My boy’s business negotiations [in China] were nothing what everyone that he’s talking about, not even from another location.” Wolking added the remark: “I’ve seen this roughly 15 times now and it cracks me up every. single. time.”

In an April 23 interview on Fox News, Trump project manager Brad Parscale called Biden a “gaffe maker” and claimed he couldn’t keep in mind when the Sept. 11 attacks had actually occurred. “We practically can’t choose what gaffes to install every day, there are many of them,” Par

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