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  • Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

Philadelphia Inquirer Apologizes For ‘Deeply Offending’ Heading On Protests Editorial

Philadelphia Inquirer Apologizes For ‘Deeply Offending’ Heading On Protests Editorial

The Philadelphia Inquirer has apologized for utilizing the heading “Buildings Matter, Too” on a remark piece about the damage caused to structures in the city during anti-racism demonstrations that have spread out nationwide following the death of George Floyd last week.

In an apology that the paper’s top editors posted online Wednesday, they acknowledged the headline that appeared in its print edition Tuesday was “undesirable” and “deeply offending.”

” We should not have printed it. We’re sorry, and regret that we did,” they wrote.

” The heading offensively riffed on the Black Lives Matter motion, and recommended an equivalence between the loss of buildings and the lives of black Americans,” they continued. “That is undesirable.”

” While no such contrast was planned, intent is eventually irrelevant

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