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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Pulitzer-Winning Pandemic Press Reporter On Coronavirus: We’re Far From Out Of The Woods


Jun 11, 2020 #We're, #woods
Pulitzer-Winning Pandemic Press Reporter On Coronavirus: We’re Far From Out Of The Woods

Pulitzer Prize-winning science reporter Laurie Garrett on Wednesday provided a stark tip about the ongoing threat of the coronavirus pandemic, alerting “we are far from being out of the woods on this.”

Garrett, who composed the 1994 book “ The Coming Plague: Freshly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance,” told MSNBC‘s Lawrence O’Donnell that “the majority of America” appears to have been ” lulled into a type of happy complacency” with regards to the general public health crisis that has now eliminated a minimum of 115,000 people across the country.

” Nobody likes to be under lockdown. I’m sick and fed up with it, right, we all are,” she acknowledged. “However,

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