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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Right-Wing Media’s Antifa Fixation Is Developing A Validation For Extreme Protest Crackdowns


Jun 2, 2020 #Harsh, #protest
Right-Wing Media’s Antifa Fixation Is Developing A Validation For Extreme Protest Crackdowns

As across the country protests escalated over the weekend, most nationwide media labored to track complicated advancements, both serene and violent, in cities and towns throughout the country. However on Fox News and throughout right-wing media, the narrative was simple: anti-fascist activists and unclear “organized groups” intent on turmoil was accountable for all the ills flashing across TELEVISION screens.

President Donald Trump has leaned greatly into this story, tweeting over the weekend that he would declare anti-fascists, referred to as antifa, as a terrorist group (which he has no clear legal authority to do;-LRB- in addition, it’s also not a real organization with any centralized leadership or defined members). U.S. Attorney General Of The United States William Barr provided a statement on Sunday connecting “Antifa” with domestic terrorism and a day later on dispatched federal riot teams to several cities.

If one accepts that rogue domestic terrorists are the driving force behind any presentations that turn violent, then a strong cops and military response may seem warranted. Conservative media and the Trump administration have worked in tandem to produce that reality.

Disgraced previous New York Authorities Commissioner Bernard Kerik, whom Trump pardoned of corruption and tax scams previously this year, informed Fox News that antifa was behind the turmoil and spread out a conspiracy theory that liberal billionaire George Soros had moneyed the demonstrations. John Solomon, a right-wing writer who mainstreamed unstable claims versus Vice President

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