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  • Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

Teddy Roosevelt Statue Gets Evicted From Outside Museum Of Natural History


Jun 22, 2020 #Museum, #natural
Teddy Roosevelt Statue Gets Evicted From Outside Museum Of Natural History

A statue of previous President Theodore Roosevelt outside the American Museum of Nature in New york city is being moved.

The statue at the Central Park West entrance illustrates Roosevelt on a horse flanked by racist caricatures of native individuals on foot strolling together with him.

” The statue has actually long been questionable due to the fact that of the hierarchical structure that places one figure on horseback and the others strolling along with,” the museum stated in a declaration “A lot of us find its depictions of the Native American and African figures and their positioning in the monument racist.”

Even a lot of Roosevelt’s advocates agree.

Theodore Roosevelt IV, a fantastic grandson of the former president and museum trustee, told the New york city Times he was fine with the elimination.

” The composition of the Equestrian Statue does no

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