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Texas Judge Set To Order State To Allow Ballot By Mail


Apr 17, 2020 #Allow, #voting
Texas Judge Set To Order State To Allow Ballot By Mail

A Texas judge stated he was “likely” to concur that the state should be required to allow voting by mail throughout the coronavirus pandemic as an alternative to ballot in person.

Travis County District Judge Tim Sulak on Wednesday appeared to accept a Texas Democratic Party legal representative’s argument that voters dealt with two bad options– disenfranchisement or disease– unless they are allowed to submit mail-in ballots in upcoming elections. The judge didn’t right away issue a final ruling.

Texas has sharp limitations on who is qualified to vote by mail, enabling mail-in tallies just for people over age 65, people who are jailed but not yet convicted, homeowners who are outside the country, or those who are ill or handicapped.

At the same time, the state has provided a statewide stay-at-home order to curb the spread of COVID-19, the illness brought on by the coronavirus. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Avoidance encourages Americans to avoid big gatherings, and numerous states have postp

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