Out of the darkness of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic have actually emerged some lighter, much-needed moments.

Videos of quarantined people around the world paying homage to medical workers, singing and playing music from verandas, marrying, hosting concerts for self-isolating next-door neighbors and playing games throughout deserted streets have– amongst numerous, many other occurrences– captured hearts worldwide.

Countless celebrities have actually also provided their own minutes of levity.

Check out some of the uplifting stories listed below. We’ll update as brand-new ones arrive.

  • A Siena, città alla quale sono molto legato, si sta in casa ma si canta insieme come se si fosse per la strada. Mi sono commosso pic.twitter.com/IDPqNEj3h3

    — David Allegranti (@davidallegranti) March 12, 2020

  • Seen in my Chicago area.

    Sign states “To assist our neighbors affected by the COVID-19 crisis, this Little Free Library is transformed to a Little Free Kitchen. Take what you need and if you can, please donate what you can spare!” pic.twitter.com/HtrUHNv9BG

    — Ashley Hamer (@smashleyhamer) March 18, 2020

  • Penguins in the Amazon?!

    Some of the penguins went on a field trip to satisfy other animals at Shedd. pic.twitter.com/KgYWsp5VQD

    — Shedd Aquarium (@shedd_aquarium) March 15, 2020

  • Tonka is a big therapy pet dog who lives just outside Austin, TX.

    Normally, Tonka gos to seniors living in an assisted living home to provide comfort and pleasure. However with the coronavirus, visits to nursing homes have been prohibited.

    So now he visits the senior citizens outside their windows pic.twitter.com/zXJKw1mtTE

    — Yashar Ali (@yashar) March 19, 2020

  • Watching the videos from Italy influenced me. Performers should provide hope & humor to their next-door neighbors in this time of quarantine. pic.twitter.com/ohrsBtuqzu

    — Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) March 16, 2020

  • My dad, an expert pianist who just celebrated his 84 th birthday, is supposed to be at a music conference in Quebec, however rather is playing in front of his retirement home in Stone for the residents who are under lockdown pic.twitter.com/riVqSUvgkw

    — Rob Spillman (@robspillman) March 20, 2020

  • Congratulations to these 2 – they got engaged at our Tonbridge store this week

    He had actually planned to propose in Iceland but as their holiday was cancelled, he selected the next finest thing

    Enjoy your honeymoon to Iceland on us #NewsWeNeed pic.twitter.com/gALIAS7L0G

    — Iceland Foods ❄ (@IcelandFoods) March 20, 2020

  • Wish I could send you comfort by means of this app.


    However I can send you music nobody’s heard. Here’s a cut Hamilton/Washington tune called I Have This Pal. No one’s heard it, not even Kail.

    Funnier if you imagine me and @ChrisisSingin singing it. https://t.co/lhkLP0jQeT

    — Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) March 12, 2020

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