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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Trump Invokes Act To Marshal Economic Sector Against Infection


Mar 19, 2020 #Against, #virus
Trump Invokes Act To Marshal Economic Sector Against Infection

WASHINGTON (AP)– Managing double health and economic crises, President Donald Trump revealed Wednesday that he will invoke emergency powers that allow the government to marshal the economic sector in reaction to the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump, now explaining himself as a “wartime president,” stated he was employing the Defense Production Act “in case we need it” as the federal government reinforces resources for an expected surge in cases of the virus.

Trump likewise stated he will broaden the country’s screening capacity and deploy a Navy hospital ship to New York City, which is quickly becoming the center of a pandemic that has actually rattled the U.S. economy and rewritten the guidelines of American society. A 2nd ship will be released to the West Coast.

The president likewise stated the Housing and Urban Advancement Department will suspend foreclosures and evictions through April as a growing number of Americans deal with losing jobs and missing out on rent and mortgage payments.

The announcements began a fast-moving day of advancements. The Senate was taking up a financial assistance bundle while the administration pushed forward its economic relief plan, which proposes $500 billion in checks to millions of Americans, with the very first checks to come April 6 if Congress approves the plan.

Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau jointly an

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