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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Trump Lastly Wears A Mask In Public


Jul 12, 2020 #'public, #wears
Trump Lastly Wears A Mask In Public

Four months into the coronavirus pandemic and with more than 134,000 Americans dead, President Donald Trump was seen in a face mask as he checked out Walter Reed National Armed Force Medical Center Saturday.

The truth that masks are effective in suppressing the spread of the highly transmissible infection has actually been understood for some time. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in early April began suggesting that individuals use them when they can not keep social range. The firm even launched a handy guide to show you how to make one

Pressure has installed for weeks on Trump to set a good example by using a mask for the cameras since of increasing case counts in much of the nation. Until today, he withstood the idea. Trump was required to put on a mask throughout a check out to a Ford plan

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