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  • Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Trump Prompts Avoiding Crowds Over 10 People To Avoid Coronavirus Spread

Trump Prompts Avoiding Crowds Over 10 People To Avoid Coronavirus Spread

In his most severe remarks yet about the threats of the coronavirus break out, President Donald Trump prompted Americans on Monday to avoid gatherings of more than 10 individuals and to keep away from numerous public locations.

He stated the brand-new guidelines apply to everybody, “including the young and healthy,” for the next 15 days. His tone was very various from it has actually been at previous press conference, when he has downplayed the hazard of the virus.

” We have actually decided to further toughen the standards and blunt the infection now,” Trump stated. “We ‘d much rather be ahead of the curve than behind it, which’s what we are.”

NEW: Pres. Trump details brand-new guidelines for Americans, “including the young and healthy,” including taking part in house education, preventing gatherings of more than 10, avoiding discretionary travel, and avoiding bars, restaurants and food courts. https://t.co/DE3Gmeo5cQ pic.twitter.com/O4DRltS84 s

— ABC News Politics (@ABCPoliti

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