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  • Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Trump Reacts To Spiraling U.S. Coronavirus Outbreak By Unveiling Europe Travel Ban

Trump Reacts To Spiraling U.S. Coronavirus Outbreak By Unveiling Europe Travel Ban

In the face of a quickly broadening international coronavirus pandemic that has actually currently eliminated dozens and contaminated at least 1,200 within the United States, President Donald Trump delivered a strange Oval Workplace speech Wednesday in which he focused on banning travel from Europe, stated nothing about the absence of offered testing throughout the country, and ignored lots of important elements of the public health crisis.

The president said he would prohibit all travel from Europe for 30 days amidst the continuous outbreak of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus now declared a pandemic. The restriction will use to the entire continent other than for the UK and begin on Friday.

Trump said he would quickly enact a spate of economic procedures indicated to prevent any enduring monetary damage, instructing the Small Business Administration to supply aid to businesses impacted by the virus. He said he would ask Congress to divert an additional $50 billion to the program and consider instant payroll tax relief in an effort to kickstart the economy.

” This is not a monetary crisis, this is just a short-term minute of time that we will overcome together as a nation and a world,” Trump said.

He relocated to put some blame on Europe for the spread of the infection there, promoting his own efforts to prohibit travel from China.

“The European Union failed to take the same precautions.

The World Health Company off

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