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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Trump States He’ll Skip Yankees Pitch Since Of His ‘Strong Focus On The China Virus’


Jul 27, 2020 #China, #focus
Trump States He’ll Skip Yankees Pitch Since Of His ‘Strong Focus On The China Virus’

President Donald Trump revealed Sunday that he won’t throw away the first pitch at a New york city Yankees game with the Boston Red Sox after all because he’ll be too busy resolving what he called the “China infection”– significance COVID-19

It was only a few days ago– Thursday– that Trump stated he would throw away the ritualistic pitch at Yankee Arena in New York City on Aug. 15.

The turnabout came a day after Yankees gamers Giancarlo Stanton and Aaron Hicks took a knee during the nationwide anthem prior to a game at Washington’s Nationals Park in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter motion.

The males stated they plan to do so all season. Trump called professional athletes who took a knee in the past as a demonstration versus bigotry and authorities cruelty “ boys of bitches

Trump revealed his change of heart, mentioning his requiring schedule, in a tweet after a weekend of golfing at his New Jersey course.

” Because of my strong focus on the China infection, consisting of scheduled meetings on Vaccines, our economy and much else, I will not be able to be in New york city to throw out the opening pitch for the @Yankees on August 15,” he tweeted. “We will make it later on in the season,” he included.

Due to the fact that of my strong focus on the China Infection, consisting of arranged conferences on Vaccines, our economy and much else, I will not have the ability to be in New york city to throw away the opening pitch for the @Yankees on August 15 th. We will make it later in the season!

— Donald J. Trump (

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