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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Trump States ‘Nobody Informed Or Informed Me’ About Russian Bounties To Eliminate U.S. Soldiers

Trump States ‘Nobody Informed Or Informed Me’ About Russian Bounties To Eliminate U.S. Soldiers

President Donald Trump on Sunday rejected that U.S. intelligence authorities had actually informed him about an alleged plot by Russian operatives to pay Taliban-linked militants in Afghanistan to kill American troops.

” No one informed me or told me, [Vice President] Pence, or Chief of Personnel Mark Meadows about the so-called attacks on our soldiers in Afghanistan by Russians,” Trump tweeted

the Times report pointed out several authorities who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

” Everybody is rejecting it & there have actually not been many attacks on us,” Trump tweeted. He added of the Times report: “Who is their ‘source’?”

The Phony News @ nytimes must reveal its “confidential” source. Bet they can’t do it, this “person” most likely does not even exist! https://t.co/pdg4AjybOG

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2020

The Times was the very first to report on the alleged Russian operation. It was later confirmed by numerous outlets, including The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and ABC News

All of these outlets reported that Russian intelligence officers provided bounties to Afghan militants to eliminate soldiers serving with coalition forces in Afghanistan, including U.S. and British troops.

As of Sunday, the Times was the only outlet to report that Trump was personally informed on the matter. The Times also reported that the National Security Council was warned of the plot in late March.

The White House has actually not yet taken any action

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