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  • Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

What is ‘Friendly Father’? Why has South Korea prohibited North’s TikTok struck tune applauding Kim Jong Un?

What is ‘Friendly Father’? Why has South Korea prohibited North’s TikTok struck tune applauding Kim Jong Un?

Synopsis South Korea has actually prohibited a tune from North Korea calling it as an effort to wage mental warfare. The tune has actually currently gathered countless views. The South Korean Media regulator on Monday prohibited a North Korean tune calling it as a ‘propaganda piece meant to perform mental warfare’. Numerous variations of the tune have actually likewise been obstructed by the regulator. In a brief duration, the tune and its accompanying videos, memes and other content product ended up being a struck on different social networks websites. What is the tune? The tune “Friendly Father” eulogizes Kim Jong Un who is the autocratic leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, likewise called North Korea. The nation is an example of a hermit kingdom that has actually shut itself off from the world with minimum interactions with the remainder of the world. The tune glorifies Kim Jong Un and extolls his numerous virtues, consisting of being an allegedly terrific leader and a friendly moms and dad. The video reveals the people singing the tune enthusiastically declaring that the called leader is looking after us passionately. The tune was revealed in April as part of a nighttime performance that marked the conclusion of a real estate job in the capital city of Pyongyang. The tune was published on TikTok which is owned by the Chinese web significant Byte Dance. The restriction The tune and 29 variations of it were prohibited and its gain access to was obstructed after an order was released by The Korea Communications Standards Commission which is the media regulator of South Korea. This order follows a demand from the National Intelligence Service. In Seoul, some variations of the tune can still be accessed on YouTube. The factor mentioned by the media regulator was its result on the population and an effort to affect the people in a way that can be described as waging mental warfare. Problems in between South and North Korea The Korean War from 195-1953 wound up dividing the area into 2 parts: the
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