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  • Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

White Home Bars CDC From Affirming At School Reopening Hearings

White Home Bars CDC From Affirming At School Reopening Hearings

The Trump administration is prohibiting the head of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Avoidance from testifying at Home hearings next week on re-opening the nation’s schools in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, the chair of the committee in charge of the hearings revealed Friday.

Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.), who leads the Committee on Education and Labor, had actually welcomed CDC Director Robert Redfield or another company agent to affirm July 23 at a hearing before the Early Youth, Elementary and Secondary Education Subcommittee on how to securely resume schools.

But Scott revealed Friday on Twitter that the “White Home will NOT allow” Redfield to testify.

NEWS: The White House will NOT permit @CDCgov to affirm at next week’s Committee hearing on securely reopening schools. https://t.co/dNY32 jNsja

— Committee on Education & Labor (@EdLaborCmte) July 17, 2020

” It is disconcerting that the Trump administration is avoiding the CDC from appearing prior to the committee at a time when its know-how and assistance is so vital to the health and wellness of students, moms and dads, and educators,” Scott said in a statement. “This absence of openness does a fantastic disservice to the many neighborhoods throughout the nation dealing with difficult choices about reopening sc

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