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  • Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

White House Press Secretary Says Science Won’t ‘Stand In The Way’ Of Resuming Schools


Jul 17, 2020 #reopening, #stand
White House Press Secretary Says Science Won’t ‘Stand In The Way’ Of Resuming Schools

White Home press secretary Kayleigh McEnany defended President Donald Trump‘s persistence that schools resume in the fall, saying Thursday that scientific findings about COVID-19 won’t “stand in the method” of resuming in-person instruction.

” The President has said clearly that he desires schools to open … and when he says ‘open’ he means open and full, kids being able to participate in each and every day at their school,” McEnany stated at a press rundown. “The science must not stand in the way of this.”

It was a stunning minute. McEnany reacted to criticism of her remarks on Twitter, indicating other declarations she made at the briefing and implicating the media of predisposition. Her boss’s record on the topic is clear: Trump has actually repeatedly dismissed the science around the coronavirus by pushing unproven treatments, minimizing the requirement for protective masks and defining it as a hoax. He’s now promoting all U.S. schools to resume in-person lessons quickly in spite of cases surging across the nation.

Vice President Mike Pence said basically the very same thing earlier today: “We do not desire CDC assistance to be a reason that individuals don’t r

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