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  • Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Will We Ever Live In Bernie Sanders’ America?

Will We Ever Live In Bernie Sanders’ America?

It deserves stopping briefly and considering what Sen. Bernie Sanders pictured for America in its totality.

Every single American’s health insurance would be sponsored by the government, and companies like Cigna or Blue Cross Blue Shield would basically be eliminated of the health care organisation. Prescription costs would be limited to $200 a year.

Having a baby would come with 6 months of paid adult leave, ensured. Credit reports would not cost a cent, the government would simply do it for you. The post workplace could be your bank

The base pay would be $15 an hour. Your manager couldn’t simply fire you for no reason because “at-will” work would be outlawed. Twenty percent of the nation’s labor force would remain in a union, and unions in the same industry might haggle together. Large business would all come under partial employee ownership Employees would control almost half the seats on business boards.

By 2030, all new American cars on the marketplace would be zero-emission. Electrical power would come only from wind, solar or hydropower, and would be run by the government. The United States would invest $16 trillion to completely zero out planet-heating emissions by 2050

Lease could only increase by 3%every year Real estate support would end up being an entitlement, guaranteed to all Americans. Marijuana would be legislated. Social Security checks would be $150 bigger every month.

Immigrants, documented or undocumented, would be allowed to benefit from any of these social services. And likely, so would people in order to support a sweep of social security net programs that would radically change American life as we know it.

Sanders holds an insulin vial as he talks with Quinn Nystrom at the Olde Walkerville Pharmacy on July 28, 2019, in Windsor, O

The Vermont senator left of the presidential race Wednesday, ceding the Democratic election to former Vice President Joe Biden in the middle of a pandemic, having been off the campaign trail for almost a month. It was this time of crisis when Sanders and his allies saw his agenda resonating most.

Unexpectedly, Democrats and Republicans were backing growths to welfare and paid leave, and making coronavirus screening cost-free.

” COVID-19 is exposing all the spaces in our healthcare system,” said Alexandra Rojas, the executive director for Justice Democrats and a previous Sanders staffer. “Incremental policies that kick the can down the roadway are not what will satisfy this minute.”

Marie Newman, a progressive Democratic prospect for Congress who effectively defeated among the most conservative Home Democrats in March, said she believes “Medicare for All” is going to be “much more likely to occur as an outcome of having the catastrophe of the pandemic on our hands.”

Some politicians seemed to discover the advantages of a strong social safeguard and aggressive federal government action just as the country scrambled to deal with the coronavirus break out and saw the economy shut down. Sanders has been decrying the immorality of the spaces in the American safety net for a lifetime. His presidential project was about families in crisis prior to the coronavirus pandemic hit; he informed stories of Americans who couldn’t afford their insulin, a cancer medical diagnosis that

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