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You Can’t Deplatform The President Of The United States


May 28, 2020 #states, #united
You Can’t Deplatform The President Of The United States

President Donald Trump‘s latest barrage of conspiratorial accusations and lies, developed to weaken the country’s democratic elections, has actually caused new calls for his elimination from his favorite social networks platform: Twitter.

” At what point is @Twitter a part of this?” MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski tweeted at Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey after Trump implicated her hubby and co-host Joe Scarborough of murder. “REMOVE TRUMP’s ACCOUNT– the world would be much safer.” (Trump first falsely insinuated that Scarborough devoted murder in November 2017)

Brzezinski wasn’t alone in requiring Dorsey to stop Trump’s belligerent false allegations of murder. T.J. Klausutis likewise pleaded in a letter to Dorsey to, at least, eliminate the president’s false tweets slandering his deceased better half, Lori Klausutis, whom the president falsely implicates Scarborough of having an affair with prior to killing.

” I’m asking you to intervene in this instance since the president of the United States has taken something that does not come from him– the memory of my dead spouse– and perverted it for perceived political gain,” Klausutis wrote to Dorsey.

@jack At what point is @Twitter a part of this? TAKE DOWN TRUMP’s ACCOUNT– the world be safer. Retweet if you concur

— Mika Brzezinski (@morningmika) May 20, 2020

The president is undoubtedly cruel and vicious in his slander of a departed woman and her widowed hubby, both private citizens, along with in his slander of public figure Scarborough. He wrongly tweeted that Klausutis’ death is a “Cold Case” (it is not) and had no basis for claiming she had “an affair” with Scarborough.

But removing Trump’s Twitter account, an act called deplatforming, serves no supreme function.

Social media platforms are designed to be addicting attention makers This can skew them to prefer outrageous statements, embellishment and conspiracy theories. Demagogic conspiracy theorists and neo-Nazis have effectively gamed these platforms i

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