In a necessary jolt to the Samajwadi Celebration (SP) in Uttar Pradesh, the BJP became ready to grab two parliamentary seats –Rampur and Azamgarh — by certain margins. BJP’s Dinesh Lal Yadav ‘Nirahua’ and Ghanshyam Singh Lodhi emerged victorious within the Lok Sabha bypolls, whose outcomes fill been supplied this present day.
Every the seats fill been strongholds of SP. Azamgarh became vacated by SP chief Akhilesh Yadav following his election to the converse Meeting. Dinesh Lal Yadav ‘Nirahua’, a Bhojpuri actor-singer, won the seat by defeating SP’s Dharmendra Yadav by almost 5,000 votes.
Guddu Jamali of the Bahujan Samaj Celebration (BSP) got here third within the flee for the parliamentary seat, garnering 29.27% of the votes.
The by-poll wins in Azamgarh and Rampur are ancient. It signifies huge-scale acceptance and wait on for the double engine Governments on the Centre and in UP. Grateful to the individuals for his or her wait on. I be pleased the efforts of our Celebration Karyakartas. @BJP4UP
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 26, 2022
Rampur seat became similarly vacated by Azam Khan. Incidentally, BJP’s Ghanshyam Lodhi, who not too prolonged ago joined the salvage collectively, defeated Khan’s prolonged-time companion Asim Raja by over 40,000 votes. BSP did not contest for the seat.
High Minister Narendra Modi said the bypoll wins in Azamgarh and Rampur are ancient.
“It signifies huge-scale acceptance and wait on for the double engine governments on the Centre and in UP. Grateful to the individuals for his or her wait on. I be pleased the efforts of our salvage collectively karyakartas,” PM Modi said in a tweet.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also attributed the victory to the work executed by the ”double-engine” authorities of the BJP.
”Of us fill sent a message they usually are not prepared to accept dynastic and casteist occasions who incite communal stress,” he said.
The two constituencies voted on June 23, with Azamgarh recording a turnout of 49.43 per cent and Rampur 41.39 per cent.