The Raj Mehta directorial Jugjugg Jeeyo became released on Friday, 24th June 2022 throughout 3375+ monitors throughout the domestic market. With immense promotions and a appropriate price of advance bookings the film opened on a appropriate uncover drawing in Rs. 9.28 cr. Following this the industrial of the Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions – Viacom 18 endeavor, Jugjugg Jeeyo seen extra enhance on its first Saturday and Sunday with Rs. 12.55 cr. and Rs. 15.10 cr. extra coming in. Now, Bollywood Hungama has managed to get inner necessary facets of Varun Dhawan, Kiara Advani, Anil Kapoor and Neetu Singh’s remuneration for the film.
Jugjugg Jeeyo solid charged nearly Rs. 40 cr. for the film; here’s a breakup of Varun Dhawan, Kiara Advani, Anil Kapoor and Neetu Singh’s remuneration
As per successfully-placed industry sources we hear that the individuals of the solid charged nearly Rs. 40 cr. for Jugjugg Jeeyo. From the team prone actor Anil Kapoor charged the highest with Rs. 10 cr in remuneration. Comparatively, Neetu Kapoor, director Raj Mehta and Kiara Advani collectively charged the makers of Jugjugg Jeeyo Rs. 12 cr, with Rs. 4 cr. going to Neetu, Rs. 5 cr. to Raj and Rs. 3 cr. to Kiara. On the opposite hand, Varun Dhawan labored entirely on a earnings sharing basis and did now not price a penny in costs. While this makes up for a Rs. 33 cr expenditure, the comfort of the individuals Maniesh Paul, Tisca Chopra, Prajakta Koli made up for the final quantity.
Interestingly, with Rs. 40 cr. spent on the solid, the total manufacturing fee range of the film became Rs. 50 cr. with an additional Rs. 15 cr. spent on the promoting, prints and publicity. Taking the total Trace of Manufacturing to Rs. 105 cr.
For the time being, Jugjugg Jeeyo, which has bought sure strategies from the critics, continues to fling in metro and multiplex dominated sectors.
Also Learn: Varun Dhawan, Kiara Advani, Anil Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor starrer Jugjugg Jeeyo will get topical tribute from Amul: ‘Saari duniya mein ji hit hai yeh’
More Pages: Jugjugg Jeeyo Field Office Series , Jugjugg Jeeyo Movie Evaluate
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